Competitions winners

This page shows the winners of the various competitions sponsored by the Foundation. If you want to be informed about the competitions that we are making, you can subscribe to our newsletter from the form of our contact page

Contest drawings of faces of the characters of DISEQUILIBRIUMS completed on February 18, 2019

First price

The winners are:

Valery Monasterio from Venezuela with the faces of Elsa y David.
Cristina Suárez-Zarracina from Siero, Asturias with the faces of Erick.
Ian Parra Martín de Palma from Mallorca with the faces of Sofía y Samuel

Pictures competition finished on 2017 june 30th

These are the winning photographs in our last contest conducted on the social network Facebook between May 16 to June 30 2017. You can click on any of them to expand it.

First price

Noelia Aguiar Álvarez. First price

2nd Price

Yolanda López. Second price

3th Price

Lasahakira Cas. Third price