The next day, November 29, 2022, the documentary Francisco Franco the Republican will be released. A 16-minute documentary produced by Fundacion ECUUP and is based on the book written by Elena Rubio Viu., based on the book by Elena Rubio Viu “Francisco Franco, the republican”
• Exclusive interview with Richard Blair (son of George Orwell and president of the George Orwell Foundation)
• Special collaboration of José Luis Ledesma (professor at the Complutense University of Madrid)
+ Documentary directed by Paula Blesa
• With a script by Clara Bescós
• Direction of photography: Miguel Carmona
• Editing by Chechu Gómez
• Audiovisual production of SIN PALABRAS CREATIVOS


In 1936, Elena Rubio Viu’s great-grandfather, his brothers, their wives and children all had to leave their village, Leciñena (a municipality of Zaragoza, Spain), because of their links to the Republican Left. Their journey was long, arduous, full of uncertainty and, at times, disconcerting. Viu has recorded key episodes of their odyssey: through Barcelona, Colliure (where they shared a shelter with Antonio Machado), Argelès Sur Mer, Mauthausen…. It was a journey where their survival was at stake. Another member of the family, Francisco Franco, took a different route and never returned home. Elena Rubio has researched her family history and obtained documents which reveal how the fate of her great-great-uncle, Francisco Franco, allied to the Spanish Republican troops, was linked to decisions taken in Hitler’s Nazi Germany. This is a family history written by one of their descendants. In short, it is a personal account, reminding us of what cannot and should not be forgotten.

⇓⇓⇓   Watch trailer  ⇓⇓⇓